IN-STRUCTION | Be(a)ware of Yourself

2024.11.09 ~ 2024.11.17

Project Idea Workspace Exhibition Rooms 0, 1, 2 @idea_workspace 

Curated & Written by : Yoon-seo Park @_threadfhmnty_ 

Graphic Design : Mi-woo Hwang @dkfmaekdnswlq_ 

Brochure Design : Lynn Son

Photo : Yoon-seo Park @ _threadfhmnty_ & Lynn Son

Installation Help : Ye-geon Shin @shinyegeo.n & Jong-hoe Koo & Hyo-seop Lim(RMS Media Company)

Instructions are often given to us in the form of knowledge and information. We follow them, sometimes unknowingly, because these “instructions” are what structure the world we live in. Let’s revisit the question, “What is an artwork?” If an artwork is an “embodied meaning,” then what triggers the attempt to view something as an artwork, as an object of interpretation? It is the environment in which it is placed. Amid the intense act of interpreting a work, what are the instructions that operate covertly?