IN-STRUCTION | Be(a)ware of Yourself (2024), Seoul.
Lynn Son, Min-Sung Kim, Proof of Unproven, 2024, 45’ 11”, Color, 4k Video, Stereo Sound.
Lynn Son, Bertolt Brecht, Nicht mit so Romantischen, Verträumten Augen! (Don’t Look at It with Such Romantic, Foolish Eyes!), 2023, 12’ 29”, 4-Channel Video Installation (3 Channels in FHD Black and White, 1 Channel in 1100x800 Color), Sound Varies across Channels.
Lynn Son, Please Step Back from the Barrier Line, 2024, 4’, 4-Channel Sound, Lighting Installation, Variable Installation.
Lynn Son, About 224, 22(Performance Archive), 2023, 10-Channel Video, Color, FHD, Paper, Variable Installation.
Lynn Son, A Scenario About You Here (with possible minor errors-), 2024, Laser-Cut 500g-Weight Paper, Two Sheets each 60 x 119.4cm, Filming Light, CCTV, Monitor, Variable Installation.
GO-ER, Seoul.